Wednesday 25 December 2013

Day Twenty Three - Christmas Day

' Boy, what day is it' I shout out to a passing youth from my van's tiny bathroom window, having a crafty fag and too nesh to go and stand out in the torrential rain.

'Why it's Christmas Day, sir' was the cheery response.

'Go fetch me the biggest goose you can find' I reply throwing him a €2 coin.

So, it's Christmas Day. Cold and pissing down with rain while blowing a gale to boot. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

My visions of eating scrambled egg and sipping Freixenet Cava, waving to the people passing my pitch, in their Christmas onesies or dressing gowns, on their way to the shower block, and wishing them a 'Merry Christmas' are dashed.

The weather during the night was appalling. Torrential rain and gale force winds came with a-vengeance and no one is about. Everyone locked in their little metal boxes having their own celebrations. Ho fucking Ho!

Those who know me would probably not use the adjective 'festive' to describe me at the best of times. I'm afraid a damp, blustery, cold day is not going to change that any day soon.

Christmas Eve was a bit of a damp squib, the glorious weather we had enjoyed for the last week or so had given way to cloud and bit of a chill in the air. I woke up feeling a bit fragile. I celebrated the fact that the gas was connected, not with a slap up oven cooked meal but with a bottle of red, a couple of rum and cokes and Jesus, do I know about it. Aside from a walk into town to get some fresh veggies and salads I did nothing bar take nana naps and try to read my ebook. So fragile I even missed my swim.

At 7 pm I decided I really ought to get something to eat, having had only a banana and water all day. Rummaging through the cupboards to find something I fancied that had to be quick, I settled on making a tuna pasta bake. It actually was quite nice, if I say so myself. I made the decision to empty the bin and go to the washing area to wash the dishes straight away. My rationale was that if I didn't, I'd have a van that had the smell of 'yesterday's sex' all Christmas. Not nice.

After dinner and my chores, at 8:30 I settled down with my book. I woke up at 1:00am, the noise from the rain was like shaking a tin of rice. I'm not sure I got back to sleep for more than 20 minutes for the rest of the night.

And now it's Christmas Day. I have had the usual eggs and smoked salmon, but with a cup of tea rather that cava. Still off the booze. My plan for the day? I was going to go for a walk in the morning then get down to cooking the traditional Christmas fayre. Given the weather it looks like I'm going to be confined to the van. I will have a shower and a shave, after all, it is Christmas.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Cabopino Camping - Calahonda - Andalucia - Spain

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