Sunday 8 December 2013

Day Four - Les Sables d'Orlonne to Arcachon

Today was going to be a long drive, the longest by about 100 miles
Unfortunately I took the Motorway, by mistake.
It was a beautiful day again, lovely sunshine. Driving was a dream, such a great vehicle to drive. Stopped every couple of hours for a break at the service station

Happily driving a long and that dreadful word 'peage' cropped up on a motorway hoarding. It was much easier that I thought. Stop, handbrake on, gear I. Neutral, hop over take the ticket and do it all in reverse. No drama.

My original plan was to stay at Arcachon Aire in la Teste du Buch. Unfortunately, my super dooper GPS was a little out of date and this particular camper stop had been turned into a tennis court. No worries. Press of a few buttons and the next nearest one flashes up on the screen. A place called Lanyon.

I am getting pretty used to driving around these small little villages doing the left and right turn. On the way to the Aire, I was followed for a good few miles by a gendarme on a motorbike but I paid particular attention to my driving and the speed. No worries.

The GPS took me directly to the camping spot.
By the sea, quaint fish restaurant, had a walk on the beach. Watched a beautiful sunset the. Drove the 100 yards or so and parked up for the night. Their was a sign that said 'sauf camping cars'. I was pretty share that that didn't mean 'no camping cars' but needed to check. A quick text confirmed that the sign meant No. Parking except camping cars. I was ok to set up camp.

This was the only place so far that had been a) quite a bit off the beaten track and b) didn't have anyone else in it. Or so I thought. I went for a bit of a walk into the little village, everything was shut at it was a Sunday evening. It did seem however that fish food was popular here. I counted about half a dozen fish restaurants, some actually specialising in just mussels.

Got back to the van
Still no one there, growing dark now. In the corner was a rather dilapidated car and at that side was a large tarpaulin made into a sort of tent come shelter. Looking out was a hobo. As I climbed into the van my mind wasn't on what I was going to have for supper, more Wolf Creek! I could see the headlines on channel 4 news now. Jon Snow announcing that the body of a Brit has been found inside a camper van. The fridge emptied. A fence man of no fixed abode has been apprehended. The Tesco finest sticky toffee pudding stuck in his beard was a give away.

Dinner of chicken in a Bordeaux wine, potatoes in goose fat, baked tomatoes topped with blue cheese washed down with a glass of South African wine
Will be criminal if I don't shell out on some French wine soon....

I had a fitful sleep..

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Arcachon - Bordeaux - France

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