Sunday 5 January 2014

Day Thirty Two part 2 - Camping Cabopino

I've now used 1/4 of a tank of diesel recharging my leisure battery. Not sure how many can claim they have used £25 quids worth of fuel and gone nowhere. This means, if I stay for 3 months I will have used £75 quid to have lighting in the van! It would have been cheaper to stay at fucking home, despite the robbing energy companies!
I jest, it's still better here!

The weather has been beautiful today, a comfortable 21 degrees, in fact, I had a small sunbathe by the indoor pool this afternoon. Earplugs in. Very nice !

My pitch is not the best, when I renew I'm gonna insist on something a little more south facing. I do get the sun till about 12, after that it gets decidedly chilly as I move into the shade of the lonesome pine ( that sounds like a song title!)

I've now got my second chair out, it looks a little more welcoming and less sad. A older chappie from Essex, (I don't know his name, he did tell me but I think I forgot! ) pops by each morning and I make him a cup of PG tips. We have a banal conversation, then he goes on his way.

I've not been shopping for a few days, consequently I'm fresh out of wine. I have to confess, I feel quite vulnerable, is that a sign of something sinister?

Up till now, apart from my excursion to fraudulently secure a Repsol gas bottle, I haven't taken the van off the site. It's a lot of hassle. Putting the pots and pans away, securing everything and unhooking from the mains..... Actually, thinking on, it's not that much trouble.

To date I've done numerous wine and grocery runs or the local supermarket. It's not far, about 1k, but you can only get so much in a back pack and wine isn't light. Feck it, tomorrow I'll do a supermarket run in the van! Stock up to the gunnels.

Despite the fact that I've had better internet connections in the high Himalayan mountains, I have perused FaceBook. Albeit very slowly inbetween the silver surfers knitting patterns and them downloading the daily Suduko puzzle.

I'm all for giving to charity, indeed I have a couple of standing orders to my chosen ones. However, in the last few days I've had three FB messages that have quite perturbed me, ( was going to say annoyed but that's a bit too strong). Three of my friends want me to sponsor them to not drink for the month of January. Is it me? If I sponsor someone, they need to do something that is difficult, (run a marathon) potentially dangerous ( jump out of a plane) or Mad, (cycle the length of the UK). Stopping drinking for a month is not on that list. Sorry guys.......
Ps. I'm planning on going on holiday to the south of Spain to see if I can live in the back of a Campervan for a whole three months. Donations to All proceeds to pensioners in need.

I was never very good at science, especially physics. Can anyone tell me why Rum appears more viscous after it's been in the freezer?

Today I changed my FB profile picture. I think I'm going to make this a New Year's resolution, a little tardy but I'll do it anyway. The 1980 picture of me 'jumping' ( mum, you don't 'jump' over hurdles, you feckin hurdle over hurdles') over hurdles is just not current . I've resolved to change it each month.

For January, I've chosen a favourite photo. A few of the kids from Class One at Karma Samten Ling Monastery in Kathmandu. I worked there for just over four months in 2012 as a volunteer English teacher. I had a fantastic time, memories that will stay with me forever. It was nothing like I imagined. Living in a monastery, peace, tranquility and all that stuff. These kids were the same as any 5-12 year olds anywhere in the world. Fighting, lying, cheating, pissing in the stairwell outside the classroom. But I loved it. Something money can't buy. I would have tagged the kids using this very impressive FB tagging tool, but they all appeared to be called Rinchin, Temba or Tenzing.

Late this afternoon I got new neighbours, it's actually next door but one, I think word must of got round that I play abba and sing! They're British, I've not chatted to them yet but I will, they appear to have a portable washing machine and dryer. You can't have too many friends is my view.

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