Sunday 5 January 2014

Day Thirty Two - Camping Cabopino

I'm sorry iTunes, and I know it's not it the spirit of Christmas, but your 'Twelve Days of Christmas' was the only Christmas present I got and quite frankly, it was shite! Tomorrow is your last chance to redeem yourself!

So that's it, the twelfth night, it's over for another year. All the Chrissy lights are being taken down and it's back to normal at Camp Cabopino. I shouldn't, but I'm gonna hang onto my only Christmassy thing, the Cinnamon and Mulled wine air freshener, there is still over half of it left and it'd be a shame to start the new year being wasteful.

I had my first 'medical' event this morning! I've been very lucky in my life, I've only ever been to hospital three times in 54 years, once when I was six, I gashed my ankle on the exposed spit pin on my scooter. The second time I was thirty something and fell 8 ft down the open staircase from my attic, managing to pull a wardrobe on top of me and ended up with my shoulder out of its socket and sitting where my pectoral muscle should reside.

The third time was only two years ago. I was when taking a cargo boat from El Nido to Coron in the Philippines. To we did it to save about £3. The cargo was water buffalo and chickens. I put my foot through the rotting deck and got it impaled on a rusty nail that was doubtless also covered in buffalo shit and chicken piss. The result a rather unpleasant infection. The strong painkillers and antibiotics soon ate up the £3 savings although the resultant hallucinations were worth it on their own. Negotiating to get across the Brunei border with a group of immigration officials dressed as munchkins, in glorious technicolor to boot!

Watching 24 hours in A and E makes me think there are plenty of times I could have attended the emergency department. People appear to go with a spit finger nail!

I guess I'm pretty pain tolerant. That could be down to being an ex 400 hurdler, the last 80 metres feels like you have a bear on your back playing the grand piano, now that hurts!

As I was getting my coco pops (!!) this morning, happily singing away to Abba (how gay is that?) I crashed the side of my head straight into the cupboard that I had foolishly left open. It bloody hurt. I've already whacked myself twice closing the back door of the van, forgetting the fact I have a bike carrier attached to it so I'm pretty used to hurting heads.

With a quick 'fuckshit' and a quick rub I sat down to eat my coco pops and read the BBC news. Within seconds the chocolate flavoured milk was taking on a strange hue as blood dripped, quite quickly from the end of my nose into my bowl. My first reaction was "don't get it on the upholstery ! I quickly ripped off my T-shirt and held it to my head then went to inspect the damage in the bathroom mirror.

It's only a small cut but Christ it's bleeding a lot. Within 5 minutes it had stopped so I got on with the job in hand and finished my, now soggy, coco pops.

Anyone walking past my shower cubicle later that morning must have thought a scene from psyco was occurring as the dried blood from my matted hair mixed with the water and headed towards the communal drain. No one said anything though, that it itself is a worry. Thoughtless gypsy bastards.

I'm now thinking I should perhaps fix something soft around all the sharp edges of things that are head height to prevent any further injury. Those noodle things that kids use as a swimming aid should work just fine. That or wearing a cycling helmet for the rest of the trip.

I'm not going to trouble the local A and E department, I'm sure they have more important injuries to take care of.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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