Monday 13 October 2014

And we're off....Again

ScoobyMoo Blog

That came around quickly.
It doesn't seem two minutes since I was setting off, albeit in anxious anticipation, for the continent in Bob the camper-van.

After a really nice spring and summer, itchy feet have ruled and I'm off again. As I write we are just "pulling in" ( if that's what ships do) to Roscoff in Brittany, France.
Last year this is where I got off, or disembarked to use the nautical terminology. This year I'm staying put and spending another day on the high seas, bound for Bilbao.True, it's more expensive but it is a lot less driving and should be a bit quicker. The crossing (why do they call it a crossing?) to Bilbao takes two days. Overnight to Roscoff and then onwards to Spain. You can do it in one day but it lands in the evening (do boats land?) this one gets into port at 8:00am so I get a full days driving in daylight.

Things have changed. Bob The CamperVan is no more, he's been changed for a new, slightly larger, certainly more luxurious van called ScoobyMoo. After taking delivery in May, he's had a few outings in the UK and now it's his first holiday abroad.

We left a miserable Chesterfield yesterday morning for the 220 mile trip to the ferry port in a much more miserable Portsmouth. It was absolutely pissing it down as we pulled into the Brittany Ferries ferry terminal. I've always been the punctual sort, much preferring to arrive a little early. Yesterday was no exception. Setting off at 10;30 I'd allowed myself 12 hours to do 220 miles! What does one do arriving at a ferry port 5 hours early. The bloody ships probably still in France.

Ferry ports are not like airports. More like a bus stations with hideously priced "stuff". After spending my months pension on a medium latte I did however fall lucky, spotting the Tesco equivalent of "yellow label" bargains in the newsagent/gift shop/ stuff you've forgotten emporium. A chicken and stuffing sandwich and a chicken tikka wrap. Two quid for both.

The good thing about a Camper van is that a five hour wait can be quite comfortable. With chicken sandwich, pork pie and cup of tea. (I decided to forgo the wine as I still had to drive onto the actual ferry). I settled down on the sofa to watch the Sunday afternoon film.

Love the way they call it a "crossing"

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Port of Roscoff. France

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